Monday, March 30, 2020

How Can Your Business Benefit From New Introduced Laravel Version 7?

While designing web applications, it is vital to choose the right platform to meet business users' requirements. Laravel is one of the most well-to-do PHP open source frameworks for the development of comprehensive and successful web applications. This allows descriptive syntax writing, makes database migration simpler and enables many users to access the database. Laravel has a simple authentication, a queuing and a routing method that provides better programming than any other setup. Laravel has the most prominent advantages of scalability, fast page access, design of the Modular View controller and protection. Trying to create Laravel web applications will not only increase performance but also provide secure access to users. 

In an attempt to create Laravel, Taylor Otwell has always tried to modify and rework the PHP-Laravel framework through appropriate alteration and add to the Laravel framework structure. Specific Laravel versions such as Laravel 1, Laravel 2, Laravel 3 and Laravel 4 were estimated by him in just over two years. Furthermore, Laravel 4 sub-versions like Laravel 4.1 and Laravel 4.4 were introduced. Laravel 5 was released slowly within no time, followed by the existing Laravel project versions 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7 and 5.8. The Laravel version 6 included semantic versioning, compatibility with Laravel Vapor, improved authorization responses, improved job middleware, lazy collections, and sub-query improvements until version 7 came into being.

The newly introduced Laravel v7 is loaded with many bug fixes, better usability, and various functions. This new update aims to enhance the experience of both users and developers. Your company website is bound to be updated with the wise advances of essential features and a variety of other features.

  • Laravel Airlock - The new Airlock feature in Laravel v7 provides a featherweight authentication framework for single-page applications, mobile apps, and token-based APIs. Every application user can build multiple API tokens using Airlock function, as it helps to build and handle tokens effectively.
  • Custom Eloquent Casts - You can easily add customized castings using the newly added custom cast in Laravel v7.
  • Route Caching Speed Changes - This latest version has substantially improved up to 2 times the cache speed than version 6.
  • Blade Component Tags and Renovations - The components of the blade now allow control of attributes, component classes, inline view components, tag-based rendering, etc.
  • HTTP Client - Laravel v7 has an updated HTTP client to boost user experience. The Guzzle HTTP client features are increased with the support of a minimal API.
  • Database Queue upgrades - The Laravel System, version 7, makes major performance improvements using MySQL 8 + as its application backend queue. The database driver is now able to be safe for high volume manufacturing use.
  • Infinite Mail Drivers - Laravel v7 allows multiple mailers to be configured for a single program. As each mailer has unique transport choices, the client can send different e-mails using the various email services, configured within a single program.
Besides the above, Laravel v7 also has new features and enhancements to deliver that includes stub configurationfluent string operations, all new hands-on commandsdevelopments in Markdown email templates and question time-casts.

These new features and updates are sure to boost the efforts of the developers to build outstanding websites. Such improvements make Laravel one of the most powerful applications for the best PHP framework. If this sounds already interesting and encouraging enough, we can tell you that Laravel has some advantages over all PHP frameworks.

  • Multilingual - The facilitation of your website as a multilingual website is simple with this version of Laravel.
  • Improved Performance - This release aims to increase the benchmark by making significant improvements in route caching speeds.
  • Future-ready Features - The Laravel Framework v7 helps in keeping up with the pace of technological changes in the world. 
  • Better Security - As a PHP application, Laravel is already able to fix those security problems, including SQL injection and cross-site scripting. The protection of the system is further improved with the new Laravel update.
  • Laravel Eloquent ORM improvements - Eloquent ORM enables an easier and faster connection between the application and its database for developers.


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